Ops-Core is a part of the Gentex Cooperation and offers a comprehensive suite of helmet system platforms and performance upgrades designed to protect elite defense, law enforcement, and security forces.
Ops-Core was located at the IEA Mil-Optics booth and had a couple of helmets and AMP headsets, force on force visor, FAST visor as well as their Step-In visor and SOTR mask. Unfortunately, still no FAST XR or FAST RF1 is rated for 7.62x39 lead core and steel core.

Ops-Core FAST SF Ballistic in ranger with rail attachment kit with AXL Advanced RAC link for the Peltor Comtac

Ops-Core FAST XP with AMP headset and SOTR mask

Ops-Core FAST SF Ballistic in MultiCam black with the FAST Visor

Ops-Core FAST SF

Ops-Core high-cut bump helmet in MultiCam a Psq-20c enhanced night vision goggle

Ops-Core FAST SF carbon in MultiCam Black with the Force on Force Mandible